Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Targeted Area: Manohara Slum, Manohara, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Manohara is a place located at Bhaktapur, in the banks of the river Manohara . People have been residing in that area for six years. We selected the manohara slum of Bhaktapur because of the following reasons:

1.     Poor environment sanitation.
2.     Pitiful condition of girls.
3.     Increasing rate of violence in the slum community.
4.     Only a primary level school in a community of 600 households.
5.     Different organizations are working there but none of them have targeted women violence as the problem.
6.  People belonging to 23 different ethnic groups reside in the same slum.  

Interview with the people of the Slum

  1. Water scarcity
  2. Lack of proper toilets
  3. Gender discrimination
  4. Domestic violence
  5. Flood and water borne diseases
  6. Lack of proper educational institution
  7. Pollution and poor sanitation
  8. Conflict between people of the community

Manohara slum


After the observation of the slum area  we found out the Dail Community provides food every morning to the children and the teenagers of the slum. After having a talk with the principal of  'Shree Saraswati Prathamic Vidyalaya' , we found out that minimum 25 teenage girls from the slum come to the school and the dial community. So we decided to target 30 students within the age group of 12- 16 yrs that come to the school, as the are still immature and need more awareness and empowerment.
Shree Saraswwati Primary school

Teenage girls  at Dail Community

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